

ARTICLE I: Offices of Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees shall maintain an office at 12401 Southeast 320th Street, Auburn, Washington 98092. All records of the district, including matters and proceedings of the Board of Trustees and the official College seal, shall be kept at the office of the Board of Trustees. The office shall be open during all normal business hours to any resident taxpayer of the state of Washington.

ARTICLE II: Meetings of the Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees shall hold one regular meeting each month. The regular monthly meeting shall be held the third Thursday of each month commencing at 4:30 p.m. Special meetings of the Board may be convened by the chairperson, provided written notice of such meeting is given to each individual trustee at least 24 hours prior to a special meeting. Such notice shall specify the date, time and place of meeting. Whenever a change in meeting date is made, notice of said change will be published in area newspapers. Regular meetings may be canceled with consent of all the members of the Board.

Place of Meeting

All meetings, both regular and special, shall be held at the office of the Board of Trustees; provided, however, that the place of the meeting may be changed from the offices of the Board to such location as the chairperson may direct and 24 hours written notice of the change of place of the meeting shall be given to each member of the Board of Trustees.

Agenda of Meetings

The president of the College, with the concurrence of the chairperson, shall prepare a written agenda for each regular meeting, a copy of which shall be supplied to each member of the Board of Trustees three days prior to such meeting. The chairperson may add additional items to the agenda without notice to the members of the Board of Trustees; provided, however, there shall be no final adoption of a resolution, rule, regulation, order or directive by the Board of Trustees unless the same was included in the written agenda and notice given as provided herein, or unless at least four of the members of the Board of Trustees approve the addition to the agenda in writing or verbally to the chairperson or president at or prior to the meeting.

Meetings shall be Public

All regular and special meetings shall be public meetings, open to the public at all times; provided, that nothing contained in these bylaws shall be construed to prevent the Board of Trustees from holding executive sessions, from which the public is excluded, for the purposes other than final adoption of a resolution, rule, regulation, order or directive.

Order of Business

The order of business for each regular meeting shall be as follows:

  1. Roll Call
  2. Approval of Minutes
  3. Correspondence
  4. Reports to the Board
  5. Standing Reports
  6. Recommendations for Board Action
  7. Other Business
  8. Items for Future Agendas
  9. Washington State Association of College Trustees Report
  10. Executive Session
  11. Adjournment

The order of business may be changed by the chairperson with the consent of the Board members present.


Three members of the Board of Trustees shall constitute a quorum, but a lesser number may adjourn from time to time for the purpose of securing the presence of absent members. Approval of any resolution, rule, regulation, order or directive must be made by a minimum of three members of the Board of Trustees.

Parliamentary Procedure

Voting shall be by viva voce; however, a roll call vote may be requested by any member of the Board. Except as modified by state law, rules and regulations of the State Board for Community and Technical Colleges, and these bylaws, Robert's Rules of Order shall apply to procedures at the meetings of the Board of Trustees.

ARTICLE III: Officers of the Board

At the regular meeting of the Board in June of each fiscal year, the Board shall elect, from its membership, a chairperson and vice chairperson to serve for the ensuing year. Officers shall assume positions July 1. The president shall serve as, or may designate another person to serve as, the secretary for the Board, who shall not be deemed to be a member of the Board.

The chairperson, in addition to any duties imposed by rules and regulations of the State Board, shall preside at each regular or special meeting of the Board, sign all legal and official documents recording actions of the Board, and review the agenda prepared for each meeting of the Board. The chairperson shall, while presiding at official meetings, have full right of discussion and vote. The vice chairperson, in addition to any duties imposed by rules and regulations of the State Board, shall act as chairperson of the Board in the absence of the chairperson.

The secretary, in addition to any duties imposed by rules and regulations of the State Board, shall keep the official seal of the Board; maintain all records of meetings and other official actions of the Board. The secretary shall also be responsible for Board correspondence, distributing the agenda of meetings and distributing the minutes of the meetings and related reports. The secretary shall attend all regular and special meetings of the Board, and official minutes must be kept of all such meetings. In the absence of the secretary, the chairperson may appoint a temporary secretary who shall be the acting secretary for such meetings not attended by the secretary.

ARTICLE IV: Fiscal Year

The fiscal year for the Community College District No.10 shall conform to the fiscal year of the state of Washington and shall be from July 1 to June 30 inclusive.


The Board of Trustees shall maintain an official seal for use upon any or all official documents of the Board. The seal shall have inscribed upon it the name of the College, which shall be:

Community College District No. 10
皇家华人 College
State of Washington

ARTICLE VI: Amendments to Bylaws

Bylaws of the Board may be revised by majority vote of the Board, provided such changes are proposed at least one meeting prior to the meeting at which the vote is taken. Bylaws may be revised by unanimous vote of the Board at the same meeting at which the revision is originally proposed.

ARTICLE VII: Delegation of Responsibility

It shall be the responsibility of the 皇家华人 College Board of Trustees to establish policy and to evaluate the success of the College operation. To administer the
College, the Board of Trustees shall employ a college district president and hold him or her responsible for the interpretation of Board policy into administrative action and for the administration of the College in general.

History of Policy 

Draft: 9/30/03, 2/16/04, 3/08/04
Adopted: 2/18/71, 4/15/04
Reviewed: 10/10/19
Revised: 5/20/76, 5/18/78, 7/19/79 (All College Council deleted from Order of Business), 1/15/81, 5/14/14, 12/18/14, 1/16/18, 11/21/19