

The president shall protect, maintain, and manage risks to the College. Accordingly, the president shall:

  1. Minimize exposure of the organization, its Board, or employees to claims of liability.
  2. Identify, account for, and report all revenue and expenditures of College funds in accordance with state and federal regulations, contract and grant agreements.
  3. Safeguard the organization's public image and creditability.
  4. Provide adequate protection against theft and casualty.
  5. Establish a comprehensive risk management plan designed to eliminate, mitigate, control, and manage risks to the physical, human, fiscal, capital, environmental resources, and assets of the College.
  6. Reasonably maintain college facilities and equipment.
  7. Invest College funds in a manner that will provide maximum security with the highest investment return, while meeting the daily cash flow needsof the College and conforming to all state and federal statutes and rules governing the investment of public funds.

History of Policy 

Draft: December 12, 2003, February 16, 2004
Adopted: April 15, 2004 
Revised: February 18, 2014, Novermber 21, 2019