

The Board of Trustees will govern with an emphasis on outward vision, focusing their efforts on representing community interests by establishing governing policies. The Board will encourage diversity in perspectives, focus on strategic viewpoints rather than administrative detail, clearly define Board and presidential roles, make collective rather than individual decisions, focus on the future rather than the past, and be proactive rather than reactive. More specifically, the Board will do the following:

  1. Operate in ways mindful of its obligation to the public.
  2. Direct the organization through the careful establishment of the broadest organizational policies reflecting the Board's values and perspectives. Board's major focus will be on the intended long-term impacts (i.e. college outcomes) outside the operating organization. Board Members will provide information regarding the administrative and/or programmatic means for attaining the college outcomes.
  3. Be the initiator of policy.
  4. Seek input from staff, faculty, students, alumni, employers and other community members on Board policies when appropriate.
  5. Enforce mutual accountability as needed to govern with excellence. Discipline will apply to matters such as attendance, preparation for meetings, respect of roles and ensuring the continuity of governance capability.
  6. Make decisions based on consensus and speak with one voice.
  7. Orient new Board members to the governing process and have periodic discussions of process improvement.
  8. Monitor and discuss the Board's process and performance regularly. Self-monitoring will include comparison of Board activity and discipline to policies adopted under Governance Process and Board-Staff Relationships.

History of Policy

Draft: 9/30/03, 2/16/04
Adopted: 4/15/04
Reviewed: 10/10/19
Revised: 10/17/13, 12/18/14, 11/21/19