

The President of the College shall have the authority to exercise in the name of the Board all of the powers and duties vested in or imposed upon the Board by law, including all powers granted to the Board as governing body by Chapter  or any other statute. The President of the College shall be directly responsible to the Board of Trustees. The President shall be the principal administrative officer of the College and shall have general supervision of all operations and programs of the institution.

The President shall be the appointing authority for all administrative exempt, classified, faculty, and other employees of the College; the President may delegate some or all of that authority in writing to vice presidents and/or other designees. The President shall carry out all rules, regulations, orders, directives, and policies established by the Board and shall perform all other duties necessary or appropriate to the administration of the College. The essence of the relationship between the Board and the President shall be one of full mutual confidence and completely open communication.

The Board of Trustees reserves unto itself the following authority (unless specifically delegated in particular instances by definite resolution passed by the Board):

  1. To employ the President and set the salary and the terms and conditions of his or her employment.
  2. To organize, administer, and operate the Board of Trustees.
  3. To adopt, amend, or repeal rules pursuant to the Administrative Procedure Act, Chapter .
  4. To approve the operating budgets and capital budget request for the College.
  5. To approve revisions of $500,000 or more, to the revenues or expenses in the adopted budgets of any fund, or transfers between funds of $200,000 or more.
  6. To authorize the purchase or long-term lease (for two years or more) of real property.
  7. To establish dormitories, food service facilities, bookstores, and other self-supporting facilities.
  8. To borrow money and issue and sell revenue bonds or other evidences of indebtedness.
  9. To establish schedules for tuition and fees charged by the institution (with the exception of co-op fees and other self-sustaining program and service fees).
  10. To enter into major contracts, others than public works contracts, for amounts in excess of $100,000.
  11. To accept gifts, grants, conveyances, devises, bequests of real or personal property from private sources valued in excess of $25,000 and adopt regulations to govern the receipt and expenditure of the proceeds, rents, profits, and income thereof.
  12. To approve and execute negotiated agreements with bargaining agents for academic employees and classified staff.
  13. To award and deny tenure and dismiss and/or lay off tenure-track faculty members.
  14. To authorize the award of degrees for appropriate programs of study.
  15. To retain the responsibility for the expenditure of state funds by the College and its agents and employees.
  16. To exercise all authority expressly reserved to the Board of Trustees in rules which have been or are hereafter adopted or amended by the Board pursuant to the provisions of the Administrative Procedure Act, Chapter .
  17. To retain all authority which may be hereafter delegated to the Board of Trustees by the legislature of the state of Washington, unless such authority is expressly delegated to the President or his or her designee.

History of Policy 

Draft: November 4, 2003, January f13, 2004, February 16, 2004
Adopted: August 19, 1982, April 15, 2004 
Revised: September 18, 1986, October 15, 1987, October 16, 1996, November 19, 1998, June 19, 2014