
Census: add/drop credits within the first tenth day of the quarter

Eligible enrolled credits are counted on the tenth day of fall, winter and spring quarters.  The summer quarter census date varies. 

Financial aid pays tuition and begins disbursing funds the first day of the quarter.  Students who add or drop classes during the first ten days of the quarter may change their enrollment level and require a recalculation of grant eligibility.  The Financial Aid Office will pay additional grant funds for students adding classes to a higher enrollment level (such as part-time to full-time). 

Students dropping to a lower payment level will be considered "overpaid" and will be responsible for repaying the overpayment.

Repayments: official withdrawal or stop/not attending all classes will be billed

Students who officially withdraw or stop attending all classes will be billed for the amount of aid they were not eligible to receive.  Repayment of all or part of the funds used to pay tuition and fees or disbursed to the student can be owed. 

Aid is earned based upon the number of days of class attendance or online participation.  Students who receive funds and never begin attendance in classes will be billed for 100% of their financial aid award amount. 

Students owing monies in relation to tuition or owed financial aid funds will be blocked from future enrollment. If the debts are not paid, they will be referred to an agency for collection.